Authenticity and Ambition are not Mutually Exclusive
Authenticity and Ambition are not Mutually Exclusive
January 9, 2024

Many people in the industry think authenticity and ambition are at odds with each other.

I disagree.

You can be successful and be true to yourself.

Being an executive in the corporate tech world is tough.

Everything is changing all the time.

You are constantly pulled in different directions.

You want to make an impact, to have influence, to keep achieving.

It’s easy to get lost in the pursuit of these three goals. Some give in and place the pursuit of achievement over how they behave, over their own internal compasses.

In the fast-paced, ever-competitive, and logic-dominant environment of tech, staying true to who you are vs. moving ahead can seem like a zero-sum game.

I witnessed and know this personally.

It’s not always clear how to retain your convictions, and care, and also pursue business goals and personal achievement.

In my 26 years as a technology leader, I rose to the C-suite while prioritizing acting in alignment with my values. It wasn’t always easy, I wasn’t always perfect at it and I learned many lessons, some painful and some affirming,  along the way.

Looking back, I see that my true successes came when I combined and harmonized my ambition and my authenticity and was able to model that for others.

Leaders need to know this approach is possible.

It may take more care, more introspection and deliberate strategy, but it is possible.

Since leaving my C-suite role, I’ve taken on a new challenge: I want to improve the corporate experience for other leaders. It’s my mission to inspire genuine leadership.

Genuine leadership brings humanity into the workplace, creating a space where each person is valued for their authenticity and can actively contribute to a shared organizational vision. Where authentic relationships flourish and genuine collaboration is fostered. Where everyone has the opportunity to draw upon their unique talents and perspectives to contribute to a purpose greater than themselves.

I partner with leaders and help them create a path to success that is true to who they are and that accelerates their success.

I call this genuine-leader impact.

In using my genuine-leadership philosophy while coaching, I help leaders develop effective influence strategies, enhance peer relationships, achieve promotions, improve their ability to manage up, and navigate constant change – all while being true to their values.

I help you be both authentic and ambitious while creating more success than you imagined.

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