
Where are we headed?

Outcomes Matter

Working together, my clients:

  • Achieve their goals and grow their careers
  • Amplify their voice
  • Increase their confidence
  • Find harmony in the chaos that surrounds them
  • Gain personal and professional clarity to succeed in a way that feels true to themselves

I serve you as a dedicated thought partner and voice of experience. Together we work in partnership to:

  • Discern individual details and convert them into higher truths
  • Uncover and solve root causes to challenges rather than addressing symptoms
  • Establish your goals, and the path needed to achieve them

1:1 Executive Coaching

Working with purposeful achievers, people who seek to embody a better way of managing their careers and business relationships, we build our rapport and partnership in one-on-one sessions by:

  • Encouraging you to move beyond your comfort zone in a safe and supported manner.
  • Discovering different perspectives, scenarios and strategies so you get to consider multiple possibilities  before taking action.
  • Creating an environment of confidentiality and non-judgement. Nothing is shared from our sessions without your permission – even if your employer is paying for our engagement – so you do not need to censor or guardrail our discussions.
  • Defining our language. I do not use buzz words or hashtags. Our communication will be honest, real and authentic.
  • Staying focused on discovery and action. I am direct and focused by nature. Our time is valuable, so we will maximize the time we spend together.

Are we a fit?

I work with Purposeful Achievers.

Purposeful Achievers are leaders seeking to embody a better way of managing their careers and business relationships.

Valued for their experience, ambition, potential, and skills, they are goal-oriented and have a need to be authentic while driving meaningful impact.

Purposeful Achievers:

  • Are willing to ask for assistance or insights.
  • Cultivate an open mind, and growth mindset.
  • Are doers – willing to work and committed to success while being true to their values and character.


Let’s Connect

Interested in learning more about me, my approach, and my background?

About Me